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  • Writer's pictureJacqueline Tremblay

How Long Does it Take to Install a Commercial Elevator

Updated: Oct 20, 2023

Commercial elevators play a crucial role in facilitating smooth and efficient operations in various industries and buildings. The installation process for commercial elevators requires careful planning, coordination, and expertise.

In this article, we will delve into the factors that influence installation timelines for commercial elevators, the typical steps involved in the installation process, and provide an estimate of the time required for installation.

Overview of Commercial Elevators

Commercial elevators are specifically designed to meet the unique needs of commercial buildings. Unlike passenger elevators, which primarily serve residential purposes, commercial elevators are built to handle heavier loads and withstand more frequent usage.

Factors Affecting Installation Timelines

Several factors influence the installation timeline of a commercial elevator:

  1. Building Size and Layout: The size and layout of the building directly impact the installation process. Larger buildings with more floors may require additional time for elevator installation due to the complexity of the system and the need for longer hoistways.

  2. Number of Floors to be Serviced: The number of floors that the elevator needs to service will affect the installation timeline. Installing an elevator in a multi-story building will naturall y take longer than in a single-story structure.

  3. Complexity of the Elevator System: The complexity of the elevator system, including the number of stops, advanced features, and customization requirements, can significantly impact the installation timeline.

  4. Availability of Necessary Permits and Inspections: Obtaining permits and undergoing necessary inspections can add time to the installation process. Compliance with local building codes and safety regulations is crucial and may require additional coordination.

  5. Coordination with Other Construction Activities: The installation of a commercial elevator must be coordinated with other ongoing construction activities within the building, such as electrical work, plumbing, and finishing touches. Delays in these activities can potentially affect the elevator installation timeline.

  6. Manufacturer and Contractor Capabilities: The experience and capabilities of the elevator manufacturer and installation contractor play a vital role in determining the installation timeline. Established manufacturers and contractors with a track record of successful installations are likely to complete projects more efficiently.

Typical Steps in Commercial Elevator Installation

The installation of a commercial elevator generally involves the following steps:

  1. Initial Site Survey and Assessment: A comprehensive survey is conducted to assess the building's suitability for elevator installation, including evaluating the structural integrity, available space, and electrical requirements.

  2. Design and Engineering: Based on the assessment, the elevator system is designed, taking into account the building's specifications, load capacity, and customizations requested by the client.

  3. Foundation Preparation and Excavation (if required): In some cases, additional foundation work and excavation may be necessary to accommodate the elevator system.

  4. Hoistway Construction and Shaft Preparation: The hoistway, or elevator shaft, is constructed to provide a dedicated space for the elevator to move. The shaft is equipped with structural components and safety features.

  5. Installation of Elevator Components: The elevator components, including the hydraulic system, control panels, car, doors, and safety systems, are installed within the hoistway.

  6. Wiring and Electrical Work: The electrical connections and wiring for the elevator system are meticulously installed to ensure proper functioning and safety.

  7. Safety Inspections and Tests: Stringent safety inspections and tests are conducted to verify that the elevator meets industry standards and regulatory requirements.

  8. Final Adjustments and Commissioning: Any necessary adjustments are made to ensure the smooth operation of the elevator. Once all checks are complete, the elevator is commissioned for regular use.

Estimated Installation Timelines

The installation timeline for commercial elevators can vary significantly depending on the factors mentioned earlier. On average, a standard commercial elevator installation can take anywhere from several weeks to several months. Larger and more complex projects may require even more time.

As a rough estimate, a mid-sized commercial building with 5-10 floors can expect an installation timeline of approximately 8-12 weeks. However, it is important to note that each project is unique, and specific timelines should be discussed with the elevator manufacturer and installation contractor.

Project Management and Coordination

Effective project management and coordination among all stakeholders are crucial for a timely installation process. Regular communication and collaboration between the elevator manufacturer, contractor, building owners, and other relevant parties are essential to ensure smooth progress and adherence to the established timeline.


The installation of commercial elevators requires careful planning, coordination, and expertise from a renown commercial elevator company, such as Bramalea Elevator, to ensure a smooth and efficient process.

By understanding the factors that influence installation timelines, the typical steps involved, and estimated timeframes, building owners and project stakeholders can set appropriate expectations and engage experienced professionals to ensure successful and timely installations.

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